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CASA Advocate Janet Read's Blueberry Cobbler (#41) Desserts Donated By CASA Supporters notifications_none

$ 110.00 Current High Bid

540 High Bidder

$ 250.00 Instant Purchase Price

Thursday, June 6, 7:13 PM CDT Item Closed

0 % Buyer's Premium

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Item Description

A Special Message from Janet:
"This delicious blueberry dessert is one noted as a favorite for family reunions. It has become a favorite of mine to serve family and friends- especially savored when made with Lufkin's freshly picked blueberries!! ( & topped with whipped cream or ice cream ) I love supporting CASA with this delicacy- as an organization that seeks to enhance a child's connection or reunion with his or her very own family!" It will also come with a half-gallon of vanilla ice cream!

Donated By:
Janet Read, CASA Advocate

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