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Childrens Package (#12) notifications_none

$ 105.00 Current High Bid
142 High Bidder
$ 250.00 Instant Purchase Price
Friday, May 13, 8:04 PM CDT Item Closed
0 % Buyer's Premium
$ 150.00 Retail Value
Item Description
6 person membership to the Children's Museum that provides access to two reciprocal museum networks providing card holders with discounted admissions to hundreds of museums in the country. Other benefits include early notice, registration, and discounts for Museum events and classes.
Also included a mystery gift with games and toys from the Brazos Valley Children's museum and 6 1-day all you can jump passes to Jumping World in Bryan.
Viewing Instructions
View this item at the event or contact Kayla at Kayla@urban-optics.com with questions