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Wonderland's Indoor Playground Membership & Dozen Custom Cookies! (#60) For the Kids! notifications

$ 65.00 Current High Bid

181 High Bidder

Monday, April 29, 9:00 PM CDT Item Closed

0 % Buyer's Premium

$ 155.00 Retail Value

Item Description

Give your child a WONDERFUL play experience with a one month pass at Wonderland Indoor Playground in College Station, TX. Share a dozen delicious gluten-free cookies from Kettlebell's Sweets and Treats custom to your liking! See https://www.wonderlandplaybcs.com/ and @kettlebellssweetsandtreats on Instagram for more

**Wonderland 1 Month Pass is for MAY 2024.**

Donated By:
Wonderland's Indoor Playground, Kettlebell's Sweets and Treats

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