Items for Purchase

Sponsor 3 kids for one semester of After School Program! Gifts Matched by Stylecraft Builders up to $12,850!

Purchase Price:  $ 500.00
Total Remaining:  24

Our weekday After School Program provides dedicated staff and volunteers countless opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with 130 kids, build life-giving mentorships with them, provide academic tutoring, and introduce them to a variety of fun, extracurricular activities (such as cooking, gardening, physical fitness, guitar lessons, dancing, and more!). We prioritize building trustworthy relationships with the children’s families, visiting the children at their schools, and spending quality time with them in their neighborhoods. We aim to provide consistent, loving support children can rely on, speak Truth into their lives, and help them grow into strong men and women filled with Hope. Please consider sponsoring children for a semester of After School Program activities.


Sponsor a Vocational Training Student for a semester of Welding, Plumbing, or CDL! Gifts Matched by Stylecraft Builders up to $12,850!

Purchase Price:  $ 300.00
Total Remaining:  23

Our Jack Threadgill Vocational Training Program is a FREE, 10-12 week program that teaches men and women employable, sought-after trade skills (plumbing, welding, & CDL training). Students are coached on how to successfully gain employment, become financially responsible, and most importantly, make wise, Godly decisions in leading their families. This program has successfully trained over 200 students since it began in 2019. Please consider sponsoring the cost of training students in our Vocational Training Program.


Sponsor a man in our Men's Home for 1 month! Gifts Matched by Stylecraft Builders up to $12,850!

Purchase Price:  $ 200.00
Total Remaining:  22

Our Ted Wyatt Men's Residential Discipleship Program is a 24/7, 9-12 month intensive discipleship program for men ages 18 and over who are in the midst of challenging circumstances (such as homelessness, fighting addiction, or recently released from prison) and are seeking life transformation. To participate, men must commit to living in the house and working for the SOS Work Program, which is lawn service. Men are mentored one-on-one and equipped with the tools to work hard, manage money wisely, and become present fathers and committed spouses to effectively lead their families. Over 200 men have successfully graduated from this program since SOS began. Please consider sponsoring men in our Ted Wyatt Men's Residential Discipleship Program.


Sponsor a Teen Boy/Girl for 1 Semester of Ministry Programs! Gifts Matched by Stylecraft Builders up to $12,850!

Purchase Price:  $ 100.00
Total Remaining:  22

Every Thursday night, our committed staff and volunteers mentor, build relationships with, and teach Bible lessons to over 50 teens. These relationships surpass our weekly activities as our volunteers strive to play an active role in the teens' daily lives by visiting them at their schools and in their neighborhoods. Throughout the year, the SOS Ministry Center’s gym is open for teens and their friends to come play basketball and other fun sports. This is a crucial time for our staff and volunteers to further invest in the lives of teens. Additionally, we plan several retreats for teens and take them to camps throughout the year to help develop their character and passion for Jesus. Please consider sponsoring teens for a whole year of Teen Ministry activities.


Sponsor 3 Women for 1 Year of Ministry Activities! Gifts Matched by Stylecraft Builders up to $12,850!

Purchase Price:  $ 50.00
Total Remaining:  24

The SOS Women’s Ministry classes are held on Tuesday nights where over 50 women from diverse backgrounds come together to study God's Word, mentor and encourage one another through life's challenges, and strive to help meet each other's tangible needs. Each year, our Women's Ministry hosts the Arise Women's Conference where women are empowered to share their stories and follow God's calling on their lives. Over 100 women attended this year's one-day Arise conference, half of whom were newcomers to the ministry and previously unfamiliar with the services we provide. Additionally, our Women's Ministry hosts an annual weekend retreat, which provides 60 women the opportunity receive refreshment and experience God's love in new ways. Please consider sponsoring women for a whole year of SOS activities.


Sponsor our Bus & Van Ministry! Gifts Matched by Stylecraft Builders up to $12,850!

Purchase Price:  $ 25.00
Total Remaining:  16

Our buses and vans help us faithfully reach hundreds of children and teens by providing transportation to our ministry programs Monday through Friday in Bryan-College Station and Hearne. Without our buses and vans, our children and teens would be unable to attend our programs and experience the love of Jesus Christ through our dedicated volunteers. SOS buses and vans are also used for training vocational students to earn their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), building relationships with families in their neighborhoods, and discovering new ways to meet immediate, tangible needs (such as delivering meals). Please consider sponsoring our Bus and Van Ministry.



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